Saturday, October 25, 2008

Pay It Forward!

So, my sister got a fun gift in the mail and was then supposed to pay it forward. Well I entered and this is what came in the mail today. It is just so fun. So now it is my turn to pay it forward. If you want to enter to win my pay it forward just leave a comment here. On November 5th I will put everyones name in a box and I will draw three winners. Then you can be looking for something fun to arrive in your mail box. (I don't know what it is going to be but sometimes surprises are even more fun.) Let the comments begin.

2, 2, 2!

Happy Birthday to you Rylan. This is way late but I couldn't forget my little Ry guy. Rylan turned 2 at the first of the month. I can't believe he is already two. Two is always a kinda scary age but at the same time he is just so funny. He makes us laugh everyday. In this first picture he is showing off his new backpack. He is always stealing the older kids backpacks so they decided they would get him one of his own. He loves it! It now goes everywhere with us which is kind of nice because I have it stocked with toys, crayons, and coloring books.
The other thing he got was a hot wheels race track and more cars. He plays with cars all day long so this was perfect. Of course he also received great stuff from the grandparents. He loved his big day.
Here is his wonderful cake. Beautiful, I know. I made it myself. He didn't know the difference though--it was still cake.
We love you so much Rylan and can't wait to see what this next year has in store for you.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Eat up

I was pretty excited that it was time to start Averi on some solids. I figured it might help her space her night feedings out a little bit. But...I was mistaken. On a daily basis she is not going longer at night. Anyone have any suggestions? I really am not complaining because overall she is definately my best sleeper at this young of age.

I just think it is so fun to watch the kids figure out all of these new things. She was so funny to watch eat, especially the first few times. They just can't figure out what to do with it at first. But by the fourth time, she was a pro. She is just eating rice cereal but she doesn't seem to mind. (my other kids were not such fans of rice)

As you can probably tell in the last picture, she gets quite the audience. For some reason everyone decides that I need help. Even the dog has to hang around. I think the dog is just hoping that she spits some of it out so she can find it.

I was just getting ready to say that I love this age. And I do. She is smiley, she likes to make the cutest sounds, and she is just always so curious. But I was just telling Courtney the other day that it is so fun how every age seems to have its own fun stuff and of course the trials. I feel so lucky to be a mom and get to learn from all of my sweet kiddos.